4 Of the Best Natural Hair Dyes

4 Of The Best Natural Hair Dyes

Changing hair color gives you a refreshing look. However, dyeing hair may involve some risks. It can damage your hair because of chemicals even if the dyes are applied by a certified hair colorist. It’s sad but true: fully organic hair color does not exist. You can find most of the natural items in your kitchen. Here are 6 natural dyes to try on.

1. Carrot or Beet Juice

These two juices can add natural red tints to your current color. Depending on what shade you want, you can use each alone, or mix them together.

a. Pour a cup of homemade juice over your hair and mix with a little coconut oil to revitalize your hair.

b. Make sure the mixture gets in and wrap your hair for an hour.

c. Be careful not to stain your skin and clothes.

d. Rinse and spray apple cider vinegar on your hair.

e. Repeat if necessary.

2. Herbs for Illuminizing Your Hair

Depending on what color you’re going for, you can use a variety of herbs to achieve it.

a. Mix one part of turmeric, one part of calendula herb and one part of chamomile tea in 2 cups of boiling water.

b. Infuse for 20 minutes and filter it.

c. Apply the liquid on your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes.

d. Rinse and repeat until you get the desired look.

3. Henna

Has been used since ancient times to dye hair, Henna is one of the most popular natural hair coloring ingredients. You can get it from pharmacies or specialized stores.

a. Mix about one cup of henna powder with 2 cups lemon juice

b. Add in a tablespoon of vinegar to help release the color

c. Allow to sit about 4-6 hours until it thickens.

d. Apply to hair and comb through.

e. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap and allow to sit 2-3 hours before rinsing.

4. Tea

Like coffee, black tea can help your hair get darker, and also can cover gray hairs. However, if you want to lighten them use other kinds of teas.

a. Infuse 3 to 5 tea bags in two cups of water.

b. Let it cool down and mix it with your weekly hair conditioner.

c. To cover your white hair, mix your solution with a little fresh or dried sage herb.

d. Wait an hour (you can wear a shower cap and keep leave it on all night).

Georgales Leola

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